
Your Chrome browser has many settings to protect your privacy and keep advertisers from viewing your browsing history.

Google’s Chrome web browser is popular for many reasons. It’s a fast, efficient browser and includes a wide library of extensions available to the more savvy internet user. From reduced memory usage to being able to hide your browsing from your boss, you can use Chrome’s browser to your advantage whether you are at work or at home. The browser allows you to add an emergency button for the times when you are browsing a site, and you don’t want the person who just walked into the room to know.

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Silence Tabs with Video

When you open more than one tab to work, you might not want to keep your entire computer on mute. If you are listening to a radio show, you can listen uninterrupted by silencing tabs as you choose. If the tab contains a video, you won’t hear it, and it won’t disrupt what you are already listening to.

Create a Temporary Guest Profile

When someone else wants to use your computer, you don’t have to set them up with a permanent profile when you use Chrome. You can just create a guest account, allowing the person using your computer to browse without their history or cookies saving on your profile. To allow a guest to browse, you’ll need to go to Chrome settings and click on the enable guest browsing box. Click on your name at the top of the browser, and click switch user to allow a guest to browse temporarily.

Block Yourself From Being Tracked

Advertisers track your browsing behavior in an attempt to provide you with ads for goods and services you might be interested in buying. While most web browsers offer some type of anti-tracking system, you have to set this up with your Chrome browser when you don’t want advertisers to track what you are doing. To do this, go to chrome settings, and click on advanced settings. Under the privacy tab, check the box “Do Not Track.” A popup will open, and click ok to confirm your choice.

Get Rid of Extensions You No Longer Use

Extensions can take up a lot of your memory, so if you have extensions you no longer find useful it’s important to delete them from your browser. If you see a tiny icon for your extension, simply right-click on it and click remove. If the extension doesn’t have a shortcut, you’ll have to go to chrome settings and click on the extensions tab. This will eliminate any unwanted extensions from your computer and allow your browser to work more efficiently.

Get the most out of your Chrome browser by learning all the finer details of how you can control your browsing experience. Keep your history protected from prying eyes, and find out how to set up a guest account so that you don’t have to worry about the browsing history of any guests.

Used by permission

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