
Why You Should Get Co-Managed IT Services

Believe it or not, you don’t have to be “all-in” or “all-out” when it comes to managed IT services.

In fact, many MSPs offer what’s known as co-managed IT services. Sysoft included. We augment your internal person or team – offering additional skill-sets, expertise, and availability at a flat-rate monthly fee.

When does co-managed IT services make sense? If you feel like your internal person or team can use a helping hand but you don’t want to deal with the process of hiring, training, and paying another in-house person, it’s a perfect choice.

Co-Managed IT Services From Sysoft

The Benefits Of Co-Managed IT Services From Sysoft

Our co-managed IT services give you the helping hand you need without the additional expense associated with hiring more in-house employees:

  • Salaries
  • Benefits
  • Workstations
  • Sick days/vacation time
  • Overtime

If you need more availability, expertise, or support our technology professionals can assist your team:

  1. Taking over your day-to-day, routine tasks like monitoring and maintenance while your internal resources focus on strategic initiatives or projects.
  2. Taking over strategic initiatives or projects while your internal resources focus on day-to-day, routine tasks.

Whatever works best for you, we’re able to assist where it’s most helpful and work alongside your internal person or team to help them shine. If they need guidance, we’re there to help. If they need access to specific tools or resources, we’re there to help. We offer a range of services to assist:

  • Around-the-clock monitoring
  • Regular maintenance
  • Data backup and disaster recovery
  • Cybersecurity
  • Help desk support
  • And more

For more information, click here to get in touch with us or call us at (416) 410-7268 to schedule a consultation.

30 Years

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